Assortment Seasons and Seasonal Festivals I - 17 Postcards - by Marjan van Zeyl
17 postcards assorted, 10.7x15 cm (4.21x5.91 inch)
Seasons and seasonal festivals like Johanni and Martinmas are the basis
for this series of postcards by Marjan van Zeyl. Capturing their essence
and mood for her pictures, the Dutch painter designed the cards in an
artistic and particularly child-friendly way. This series combines well
with the spring/summer series and the other seasonal festivals, giving a
complete overview of the year’s seasonal events.
This assortment contains the following postcards:
My Little Prince Carnival
The Red Easter Egg
Easter Resurrection
Pentecostal Bride
St. Johns Fire
Martin shares Cloak with a Begger
St. Martinus Lantern
King Arthur
Michael and the Dragon
Children’s Carnival
Palm Sunday Move
Easter Eggs
St. George beats the Dragon
St. Martin’s Procession
Knight Percival
Odin from the Edda