Orders are charged a flat shipping rate . We generally ship U.S. Priority Mail and UPS. If your order is small and inexpensive to ship item I offer a partial shipping refund. For example if you order two crayons I will refund you a good majority of your shipping fees.
We strive to ship promptly but if you need immediate shipping contact me and we'll try to make arrangements.
Most orders ship within 48 hours, often sooner. Currently (august) expect longer shipping times
We try to use many recycled materials when shipping while still doing our best to make sure your order arrives perfectly.
Upon shipping you'll be sent an email with the tracking number.
If you decide you no longer want the order after learning of the actual shipping fees I reserve the right to refund you all but $5.00 to offer partial compensation for my time in packing up your order.
No refunds on special orders items such as copper rods, copper balls, eurythmy slippers.
Penny whistles, flutes and recorders are NOT returnable.
Thank you so much for visiting our shop. We truly appreciate it. If you have product suggestions please let us know.
If you notice an issue with your order I must be contacted within 5 days of you receiving your package.