Waldorf Art, Handwork, Books and More for Home & School

Everyday Eurythmy Exercises to Calm, Strengthen and Centre: A Workbook for Daily Practice by Sivan Karnieli Illustrated by Nina-Sophie Jutard-Graewe


Everyday Eurythmy

Exercises to Calm, Strengthen and Centre: A Workbook for Daily Practice

Sivan Karnieli Illustrated by Nina-Sophie Jutard-Graewe
96 pp.  
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Illustrations: Drawings

Rudolf Steiner Press

Published:  January 2017

  • "Eurythmy, if you have heard of it at all, is more than you realize.
    It is certainly different from how it usually appears..."

With no previous training or knowledge required, Sivan Karnieli’s handy workbook presents a range of focused, practical exercises to calm, strengthen and centre. Accessible to all, it gives instructions for daily practice that can effectively counteract stress and burn-out, psychological blocks and other symptoms of modern life. Whether you work with these exercises for five minutes or an hour a day, they help harmonize body, soul and spirit, enabling you to find your true self.

This straightforward guide to the art of eurythmy has a huge amount to offer everyone. Rather than delving deeply into theory, it invites you to be active and to make an immediate start!
